Friday 22 February 2008

My own pile of bricks: Tate Modern Watch out!

My own brick pile, growing on the patio. Barny thinks it is a place to put his toys.I am afraid I have not been able to complete the job yet. Too many distractions.

Here is a view of the remainder of the wall which fell down in the middle of the night.

This has been one of the distractions. The weather has been great for fell-walking last week, so we took ourselves of to the lakes for a few days. Climbed Loughrigg and Lingmoor in tee-shirts. This photo was taken from the memorial at the top of Great Carrs, looking over towards Scafell, Great Gable and Bow Fell. We did the round of Wetside Edge, Swirl How and Wetherlam from the start of the Wrynose pass that day.

I have finished one of my embroideries for the Summer exhibition at Norton Priory. This has been in between entertaining the Grandchildren, up from Oxfordshire, for the half-term.These are three of the batik pieces which we started at the last meeting of Textile 21. They will be joined together at the next meeting to form an installation outside at Norton Priory... Some embellishment is needed on them before then.
I must start on these this week

1 comment:

Margaret S said...

nice to see a sneak preview of your work Sue. I really must get a move on with mine. x Mgt