Sunday 27 January 2008

Things that go bump in the night

My man is away for the weekend,so it is Saturday night, glass of wine and settling in font of the TV when Barnes starts barking like mad in front of the patio windows. I go to investigate, thinking there might be an intruder in the back garden, who has come from the lane, which runs parallel to the house. Off we go to investigate ( the dog cowering behind me) and all we find is an empty can of cider. Well done Barnes. At least he heard something and gave me a good warning.
This morning I discovered what he had really heard. The garden wall had collapsed. It had been leaning for a while and I had been concerned that it wold fall on the Grandchildren. Grandad constantly reassured me that it would not fall! The wind must have pushed next door's tree against it, and caused it to collapse. Thank goodness it went when it did, when no-one was around to get hurt. I can now design my garden around the ruin that is left. This is a great project for the spring. The garden bed in front of the wall was in need of redesigning as nothing will grow beneath the tree which over-hangs from next door. So no plants were lost. This patch of land should get full sun but the tree prevents this. It is a dreaded Leylandii!
Need I say more. Although the bed is south facing nothing will grow beneath these poisonous leaves so I now must come to terms with what I am going to do with this plot of land. Has anyone any ideas? It is approx. 12 foot long and 5 foot wide buried beneath bricks and rubble.

1 comment:

Maria Walker said...

I think It would make a great playground for the grandschildren (once you've moved the rubble of course). Sounds just right for a swing, slide or see saw with loads of lovely forest bark !!! ( no pun intended ). At least Barnes did bark -Rosie would have slept through it all)